Taking another look at the Optical Superstore litigation
Following the emerging payroll tax issue that resulted from the Optical Superstore litigation, here are a couple of developments since that are also worth noting.
Following the emerging payroll tax issue that resulted from the Optical Superstore litigation, here are a couple of developments since that are also worth noting.
Section 100A can apply to trust distributions where a beneficiary is made presently entitled to a share of trust income and that present entitlement arose out of a reimbursement agreement. This draft ruling is intended to address the exclusions – in other words the situations where section 100A does not apply.
It has become increasingly difficult for employers to be certain of their superannuation guarantee (“SG”) obligations. The number of recent Tribunal and Federal case laws dealing with the status of whether a person is an employee or independent contractor for the purposes of the Superannuation Guarantee and their outcomes underscore the increasing risk of employers being liable for historical unpaid super if the person engaged is found to be a deemed employee under the expanded meaning of that term. Read on to find out what it means for employers and employees.
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