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Category: Payroll Tax

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Through the tax looking glass

It seems appropriate for our final edition of The Assessment in 2023 that we look back on a few tax decisions from this year including EV charges and NFP reporting. We shall also cast our minds forward to foresee some possible tax changes to come in 2024.

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Employment termination settlement and concessional tax treatment

Having the correct classification of how employment ends is important. Describing the termination as a voluntary resignation in circumstances that indicate otherwise could have significant adverse tax consequences to the employee. This article explores the taxing of settlement receipts received in relation to the termination of employment.

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STOP PRESS – NSW and ACT GP relief. Significant guidance from Victoria and NSW on Medical clinics payroll tax, but questions still remain – and another amnesty

On 11 August 2023, Victoria and NSW Revenue Offices have finally released rulings titled PTA 041 ‘Relevant Contracts – Medical Centres’, providing clarification on issues relating to the payroll tax (PRT) treatment of service agreements commonly used throughout the medical and allied health professions.

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