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STOP PRESS – NSW and ACT GP relief. Significant guidance from Victoria and NSW on Medical clinics payroll tax, but questions still remain – and another amnesty

On 11 August 2023, Victoria and NSW Revenue Offices have finally released rulings titled PTA 041 ‘Relevant Contracts – Medical Centres’, providing clarification on issues relating to the payroll tax (PRT) treatment of service agreements commonly used throughout the medical and allied health professions.

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Lessons from BBlood

Taxpayers have the right to arrange their financial affairs within the intent of the tax law. However, with any strategy or course of action taken, taxpayers and advisors should exercise caution and be prepared to justify that the effect is commercially reasonable. In this article we explore some of the lessons learnt from the latest S.100A BBlood case.

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GST and Reimbursement of Expenses

Despite the GST regime being in place for over 20 years, this continues to be an interesting issue. Why? Probably because it is important to understand and clarify the facts and circumstances of each case, which generally means understanding the commercial terms of the transaction. In this article we have used examples to demonstrate the issues and implications.

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Common issues arising from the small business CGT concessions

Most practitioners agree that the rules for access to the SBCGT concessions are inherently complex. This article seeks to explore some of these complexities, specifically satisfying the significant individual requirement and the importance of timing where passively held assets are used in a business of a connected entity.

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Tax issues to consider when moving overseas

The reopening of borders has resulted in an increase in people choosing to move overseas. It is, therefore, timely to revisit some of the income tax implications of such a move. In this article, we provide practical examples of doing so.

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GST exemption quirks, an on-going concern

These are some of the quirks or myths of GST often hear from clients seeking to apply either the going concern or farmland exemption to transactions. In this article, we aim to clear up all the confusion around these issues.

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