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Maximum net asset value test: is the ATO’s stance on previously rented holiday homes justified?

The maximum net asset value test is designed as a snapshot taken just before the CGT event. A previously rented holiday home shouldn’t affect its exclusion status if it is being used solely for the owner’s personal use leading up to the relevant CGT event. However, the ATO holds a different view. This article examines whether the ATO’s stance warrants a reassessment.

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The importance of identifying the facts and circumstances

Fundamental to any tax advice is the identification and clarification of the relevant, underlying facts and circumstances. Without doing so it is difficult to determine the tax implications applicable to those facts and circumstances. Also, even minor changes to such facts and circumstances may alter the tax implications.

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“Higgling, haggling and hassling” at the Grand Bazaar – What is expected of taxpayers to justify market value?

Market value is relevant for a number of tax provisions including the market value substitution rule in the CGT provisions, the maximum net asset value test (MNAV test), and for state taxes such as land tax and transfer duty.  Crucial to the application of the market value substitution rule is whether or not parties have acted at arm’s length.

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A benefit to an employee in respect of employment (or not?)

This article considers a core FBT issue. We analyse the recent BQKD and Commissioner of Taxation case and consider the issue of whether three directors of a trustee company of a discretionary family trust were employees for FBT purposes and, if so, whether the use of vehicles owned by the company were benefits provided in respect of their employment.

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How ‘fixed’ are your clients’ unit trusts and what are the possible ramifications for misclassifying?

There is a misconception that all unit trusts are fixed trusts. Perhaps it is because a beneficiary’s income and capital entitlements are based on their unitholdings rather than being dependent on the trustee discretion to appoint income/capital. The tax ramifications for misclassifying a unit trust as ‘fixed’ could in certain circumstances be detrimental. This article seeks to highlight potential implications for misclassification.

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An “uncredible” win for the taxpayers…

More and more taxpayers are disputing amended and default assessments at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. These disputes often focus on the need for the taxpayer to discharge its onus of proof that the assessments are excessive. In our article we analyse the common sense approach taken by the AAT in Liang v Commissioner of Taxation which was a win for the taxpayer despite some evidentiary concerns.

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GST and whether property activities are an enterprise

Earlier this year the Administrative Appeals Tribunal issued its decision in Lance’s Case. The decision highlights the importance of GST fundamentals, and that a taxpayer requires sufficient supporting evidence to discharge it’s onus of proof when challenging tax matters. 

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