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It’s tax season again! Key matters to consider for FY2022

As the 2022 financial year comes to a close, practitioners will be working closely with their clients to ensure they meet their income tax obligations. This article seeks to highlight some of the recent tax developments for consideration as practitioners finalise and implement their clients’ year end plans as well as some of the key changes that apply from 1 July 2022.

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Does section 100A truly have an unlimited amendment period?

The recent release of a trio of tax guidance documents by the ATO addressing section 100A, has caused quite the stir amongst advisors and their clients. Of key concern is the apparent retrospectivity in which the Commissioner’s views expressed in these documents could be applied.

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BREPI and an Equipment Leasing Company

Is a company that carried on an active equipment leasing business, with a turnover under $50 million, considered a base rate entity and therefore eligible for the lower corporate tax rate? Determining this mainly revolved around whether its base rate entity passive income was more than 80% of its assessable income for the year. Read on for more details.

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Are there limits on the Commissioner applying section 100A?

Section 100A can apply to trust distributions where a beneficiary is made presently entitled to a share of trust income and that present entitlement arose out of a reimbursement agreement. This draft ruling is intended to address the exclusions – in other words the situations where section 100A does not apply.

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